Cat Vaccinations

For optimum health and longevity

It is essential to safeguard your cat against life threatening diseases with annual vaccinations.

Cats are highly intelligent and curious animals. Some live a cushy indoor existence, while others enjoy the outdoor pleasures in life. Whatever your cat’s routine, all are susceptible to contracting serious and life-threatening diseases. There are various vaccines choices depending on your cat’s lifestyle (indoor/outdoor).


Feline herpesvirus (FHV) is a contagious virus often implicated in ‘cat flu’. Symptoms primarily include conjunctivitis, sneezing, nasal discharge with occasional inappetence.

Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a more severe contagious virus also implicated in ‘cat flu’. Symptoms are generally more serious than with FHV and may include oral/tongue ulceration, severe inappetence and eye issues.

Feline Panleukopaenia Virus (Feline Parvo) is a very contagious gastrointestinal disease. Symptoms include depression, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea. This disease can be life threatening, particularly in younger cats.

Chlamydia is a bacteria that is often implicated in bouts of ‘cat flu’ as a secondary invader. It can extend the duration of ‘cat flu’ and complicates treatment options on occasion.

For information on kitten care and vaccinations, click here

Feline Leukaemia Virus (FLV) is a serious virus that attacks the immune system. Symptoms can include weight loss, pale or yellow mucous membranes, vomiting, diarrhoea and reproductive problems. It is generally quite rare in domesticated cats. This vaccine is optional and is not part of the core vaccination protocol.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is an infectious virus that can cause AIDS and is transmitted by cats biting, mating with or scratching each other. It has a prevalence in some areas in Sydney of up to 20% of local outdoor cats. FIV positive cats that are suffering from AIDS have a weakened immune system and are prone to infections and many other issues as well as a significantly increased risk of cancer.