
Choosing the Right Pet


Bringing a pet into your life is such an exciting time!  A new best friend to call your own with so many special moments to share.  Pets provide many health and emotional benefits. They provide companionship, reduce stress, give us a sense of purpose and are great for social interaction and fitness.

Although pets bring so much happiness into our lives, it’s best to learn about our potential companions before making such an important decision.  Some pets require more time and commitment than others. With this article, we hope to share some important insights to help guide you along the way. Some key questions to consider before choosing your perfect pet are:

  • How much time do you have to spend with your pet?
  • How do you plan to integrate your pet into your lifestyle?
  • How much space do you have in your home, is the outdoor area secure?
  • Are there other people in your household and will everyone welcome the new pet?
  • Are you able to live with general wear and tear and pet hair?
  • Does anyone in your home have allergies to pet hair?
  • Do you live an active or relaxed lifestyle?
  • Do you have a secondary caregiver for when you go on holiday?
  • Do you have financial resources available to care for your pet if it gets sick?
  • Can you afford pet insurance?

We always encourage our friends and clients to consider rescuing a beloved pet.  Our rescue partners work hard to find and match pets with their best forever home. They may be able to help find you the perfect pet for your lifestyle. Check them out here.


Dogs are highly social animals and love being part of the family. If you are thinking about getting a dog, you need to ensure you have several hours a day to spend with them and include them as part of the family. For example, larger breeds that are highly active will require more space, whereas smaller breeds may be more suitable for smaller homes and apartments.

Also, consider what type of dog you are going to get. If you are considering a specific breed, it is best to learn about their temperament and qualities and whether or not they will suit your lifestyle and/or family dynamics. An older dog could be suited to someone less active, whereas a younger dog would better suit someone with an active lifestyle.

Training dogs to adapt and fit within our busy schedules can also be a challenge! Proper training and planning a dog’s development should start from day one. Poorly trained dogs can exhibit separation anxiety and destructive behaviour, and can make pet ownership a challenge. Please ask our team any behavioural questions when you see us for a consultation and we can guide you with some resources to help you along the way. We will also discuss important things your pets need like good quality food, toys, grooming, health care, worming, vaccinations, desexing and other medical care that may be required.


Cats are social animals and love to play or simply enjoy a pat on the couch with their favourite human.  Cats can have different personality traits, some like to be cuddled and pampered and others can be more aloof.  If you are looking for specific personality traits, talk to one of our team members when you are next in so we can help find the right pet for you.

You also need to consider if your cat will be an indoor or outdoor cat. Indoor cats generally live longer and if you are considering an outdoor cat, it is important to understand the risks that are associated with cats being outdoors in an urban environment. They are at high risk of trauma (car accidents, cat attacks, dog attacks), FIV/AIDS is also common in outdoor cats and is highly transmissible, the risks to wildlife are also high (cats kill a lot of native wildlife).


Birds are  beautiful, social and intelligent animals that require special attention and care. In the wild, birds are flock animals and also cover vast territory, giving them enough space to fly around. Ideally, birds should be housed in an aviary during the day big enough to fly around, and not in a small cage.  Better still, train and allow your bird to be able to safely fly around the inside of your home. As many birds are flock animals it is ideal for them to live in pairs for a happier life. Depending on the species and beak of your bird will determine what diet it requires – for examples: seed, fruit, vegetables or native flowers to name a few.


Rabbits are lovely and affectionate animals and can become wonderful companions that are great with kids. It is important that rabbits are in an environment that is gentle, quiet and kept safe from predators and other animals such as cats or dogs. Rabbits can live up to 10 years and may require regular veterinary care. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems so best to provide a fresh high fibre diet in the right proportions

We are small animal experts so if we didn’t list your pet of interest here, we are just a phone call or a visit away.

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